
New short stories

I’ve always been passionate about short stories – both reading and writing them. They make their mark on the mind with unusual clarity. Over the years, I’ve  contributed short stories regularly to anthologies like Constable’s Winter Tales, Serpent’s Tail, and various magazines. Two of my short stories were runners up for the highly regarded V.S. Pritchett Award.

With the loss of popularity of anthologies in the publishing world, I was told that publishers didn’t go for collections anymore – that is, until I met the wonderful Will Dady, who in 2020, just as theatres closed their doors and people stayed at home for fear of the Pandemic, launched a brave new publishing venture in  Renard Press Ltd.  This is its fourth year as an independent publishing company, for which I have gathered together a number of my stories to publish as a collection.

Stone Children and Other Stories is to be published in September 2024